Breathing is the key for learning Qi Gong. It is the controller to cultivate and grow the Qi. YJJ and TJQ are also considered the Qi Gong exercises if we know how to use the proper breathing method to cultivate the Qi. There are three different types of breathing: the chest breathing (when upset), the natural abdominal breathing (when sleeping), and the reverse abdominal breathing. The “Reverse Abdominal Breathing” (let’s call it RAB) is used when we perform each movement in the YJJ and TJQ.
The RAB works well with our deep core muscles. The deep core muscles surround our abdominal chamber and consist of diaphragm, pelvic floor, transverse abdominis, and multifidus muscle. In the inhale of RAB, our abdominal chamber is pressurized and provide the maximum stability of our body. The following video explains why the RAB is important and how it works.
We have 600+ muscles in our body. The movement can be streamlined if we can move all the 600+ muscles as one muscle. The secret to do such a move is the RAB. Through practice, we want to connect the upper body muscles to the diaphragm and the lower body muscles to the pelvic floor. In the inhale, all the muscles in the upper and lower extremities are energized when the diaphragm moves downward and pelvic floor upward. All the energy generated is moving toward the Dan Tian (the Center of Gravity of our body). In the exhale, the energy is released from Dan Tian toward the head, hands and feet.
So watching closely of the YJJ videos. Each movement is dominated by the RAB. The shape of the arms changed slightly in each movement. Most of the actions are internal, inside the abdominal chamber.