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Writer's picturedavid cheng

Clear the myth about TJQ

Updated: May 14, 2022

There are a lot of styles and forms of TJQ, such as the Standardized 24, 36, and 48 forms, the Yang Style Traditional 108 Forms, the Chen Style Lao Jia, the Wu Style....People believe just memorize and mimic the movements will gain the health benefits and even the internal power of martial art. It is incorrect if the practitioner doesn't know the entire internal process generate the moves.

TJQ is a mind and body exercise. The TJQ movement follows the "內三合 Inner Three Unities" principle. Each movement requires 神與意合 the unity of Shen (mind) and Yi (intention), 意與氣合 the unity of Yi (intention) and Qi, and 氣與力合 the unity of Qi and Li (strength). So the entire internal process to generate each TJ movement is:

神 Shen -----> 意 Yi -----> 氣 Qi -----> 力 Li

I am going to use the starting of a car to compare the TJQ movements. When we decide to go (Shen), then push the start button of a car (Yi), the ignition and combustion of the fuel occurs within the engine (Essence generates Qi). Then the engine partially converts the energy from the combustion (Qi) to move the car (Li).

When I practiced the TJQ, I was combating with an invisible opponent using each TJ movement. The imaging combat kept me focus and quiet the monkey mind. In addition, my entire body was able to activate the right muscles to generate the adequate power for joint lock, strike and/or kick which was designed for that particular form during the combat. This is why we also call the TJQ a dynamic meditation. I use the imaging opponent to be focus and calm. Through this type of practice, my Yi becomes strong and vivid. My imagined opponent is clearly defined during the move. Once I can master the TJQ form, the next step is to dilute the Yi. Eventually I would like to reach the status of between intention and no intention 有意無意是真意. It is hard to comprehend, right?

TJQ without the understanding and practice of Shen, Yi, Qi leading the movement is very shallow and superficial. The most benefit you can get is the exercise of the limbs. There is a serious of training to pave the foundation before the students to learn TJQ. These trainings are 1. activate core muscles, 2. know how to use fascia force, 3. practice the reverse abdominal breathing, 4. training of body awareness (internal and external proprioception).

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